
Please take a moment and read further to learn what to expect when you visit Fair Grove Church of Christ.


Our entire congregation sings hymns without the accompaniment of instrumental music. Our goals during worship are to educate, admonish, and encourage one another (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16).

Sunday Services

10:00 AM – This service is a Bible class format. After song and prayer, one of our members will present a lesson from the Scriptures.

11:00 AM – During this service, after song and prayer, we take the Lord’s Supper (Luke 22:14-20), take up a collection for the work of the ministry (1 Corinthians 16:1-4; 2 Corinthians 9:6-7), and one of our members will present a sermon.

Wednesday Evening (7:00 PM)

Our Wednesday evening services include song, prayer, and a bible class.

On the last Wednesday of each month, we have “song nights.” We spend the entire service worshiping God in song!

The Collection

During our Sunday 11:00 AM service, the members take up a monetary collection in order to fund the continuing needs of building management, evangelism, Christians in need, etc. (1 Corinthians 16:1-4; 2 Corinthians 9:6-7). Visitors are not expected to contribute. We want to make it clear that our aim is not to solicit funds from visitors during the collection. It is meant for the members of the congregation.


The building we worship in is equipped with a nursery and two classrooms.

If you would like to ask about classes for children and adolescents, please contact us ahead of time.